Ankit Nayal

Hi, Ankit here!

I am a technologist and meritocrat with a true love for building products that add value to people's lives, particularly in the areas of wellness and habit formation. I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew, but I always figure out how to manage—and I attribute much of my success to this trait.

Currently moving between the Bay Area (for Stanford), NYC (for Flamme) and Europe (for love).

What I'm doing right now

More to know about me

Cool stuff I've done

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That’ll be it for now, so long and thanks for all the fish! 🐟 🫶🏽

💭 "Sometimes to take two steps forward, you have to take one step back."

💭 "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."

💭 "Before the brightest day lies the darkest night."

💭 "I love Rotisserie Chicken."